7 Toxic Things You Better NOT Do If You Want A Healthy Relationship


It’s time for a relationship makeover!
Put two individuals together, try to get them to agree on everything and conflict will definitely arise. And while you can’t prevent everything, you can ensure your relationship is as healthy as possible by removing some of the stumbling blocks that frequently lead young couples astray.

Every couple deals with their own unique issues and problems, but people in healthy and happy relationships generally don’t do the following.


1. Keep Relationship Scorecard

Healthy couples have no room for a relationship scorecard. You have to stop counting your good deeds against your partner’s mistakes.

Everyone messes up (you should deal with individual mistakes as they arise), but you can’t hold people to past mistakes that are supposedly “forgiven”. It takes practice, but eliminating score-keeping will completely change your relationship for the better.

2. Constantly Party/Drink

There’s nothing wrong with responsibly enjoying alcohol on an occasional basis, but it shouldn’t be the focus of your relationship. Everyone has different alcohol tolerance levels and a few too many drinks can turn you or your partner into a different person.

If partying is all you do as a couple, big (and potentially violent) fights will happen sooner or later. By doing other things and removing alcohol from the equation, you can both interact with more clarity and foresight.

4. Too Much Virtual Communication

Again, there’s nothing wrong with texting or emailing, but don’t let it become the basis for your communicative relationship. Nothing replaces face-to-face conversations or quality personal time.

So many things can go wrong when you try to interpret the meaning or inflection behind typed messages. Make a pact with your partner to always discuss important issues in person. It will enable you to maintain a more mature and healthy relationship.

5. Lie And Deceive

Lies are perhaps the most toxic thing you can bring to a relationship. Whether it’s lies about your past or ongoing issues, the more transparent you are, the better.

Very rarely will a big lie go undetected forever, so it’s not worth trying. Plus, honesty feels good and teaches you to display trust in other people.

6. Get Jealous Over Stupid Things

Have you ever been around one of those couples that gets jealous when the other talks, texts, or hangs out with a member of the opposite sex? Don’t be this couple. That sort of jealousy is petty and only shows your insecurity and lack of confidence in your partner.

If you already practice honesty, there shouldn’t be a problem. If it becomes excessive, have a face-to-face conversation and sort through the problem.

7. Talk About The Ex

This one’s pretty simple. Don’t talk about your exes. It’s okay to bring them up in the very beginning so that everyone is clear about the past, but that’s it. It’s unhealthy to reflect on past relationships and typically leads to relationship score-keeping.

Healthy relationships take work, but they’re possible to build and maintain.