Khloe Kardashian’s Ex Husband, Lamar Odom Battling With Serious Weight Gain


Former NBA superstar, Lamar Odom, 35, is currently battling weight gain after losing two of his close friends – Jamie Sangouthai and Bobby Heyward – to drug overdose last week.

Lamar Odom was spotted breaking a sweat near his home in Las Vegas on Friday, June 26.

Lamar seemed to have gained some weight while walking around his neighborhood; clad in black shorts and a turquoise-colored shirt.

The sudden death of his best friends no doubt struck a chord with Odom in more ways than one.

A source tells Us Weekly that, “This is a huge wake-up call for him. It has really shaken him. Lamar is beside himself… He feels like it could have happened to him,”

Lamar who separated from his ex wife, Khloe Kardashian in 2014 due to his infidelity and substance abuse has had a rough month to say the least.

Lamar Odom working out in Las Vegas