5 Irresistible Qualities Women Desire In A Christian Man


Hey ladies, what’s on your list in what makes a godly man attractive? Guys, what do you think attracts women to you the most? Aside from looks and other attributes that we may list as desirable when the question comes to mind, here are five irresistible qualities of the heart and character in a Christian man that ladies love as well.

1. Humility (Proverbs 15:33)


Loving and acknowledging God first is something that women like to see in men. And, if this person just so happens to be your significant other, it’s a nice plus to all the other qualities that you love or will love about them.

Women of God want a man who is not ashamed of the Gospel and what Jesus has done for him. He is willing to admit his mistakes and take into account that he didn’t get to where he is without the Lord. James 4:10 says “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up.”

2. Self Control (Proverbs 5:23)

Self control of one’s body and desires is important in our faith because we are not living to please our flesh (Romans 13:13-14), but to please God. Abstaining from anything that will taint or corrupt your spirit and body shows that you care about your health and respect God’s will.

It’s attractive to hear a single man is waiting ‘til marriage because he realizes his worth and he can’t just share his gift with any and everyone. It’s mysterious, exclusive, and special for that one woman he will marry. It is a challenge to remain pure in thoughts and actions, but it is still possible. God always provides a way of escape and a wise man of God will not put himself in situations to tempt himself or the woman he’s with. That consideration is both wise and attractive.

3. Leadership (Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 20:24)

Women don’t always want to be in charge of things, believe it or not guys. Most women would like for a man to take charge on date plans, show initiative, and lead with confidence. This attractive man of God knows how to lead and be led by the Father as it says in Ephesians 5. Jesus said if one wants to lead, he must serve first.

Ladies, how is the man in your life serving others, his family, and you? A man who knows his purpose as a man and takes on the authority and leadership role in his life is attractive. There’s no room for insecurity on the destinations you all are going to.

4. A Solid Prayer Life

He has no issue taking the time to pray to God in good and bad times. Prayer is the best way to connect to God. Christian women need men to be connected to God in order to be effective leaders, confident, self-controlled, and humble.

You don’t have to have a long, drawn out prayer, but come to God with a sincere heart and open spirit. Daniel, David, and Jesus are just a few examples of men who weren’t too proud to pray. Initiating prayer and being humble enough to pray is attractive and a desirable character trait in a Christian man.

5. Teachable Spirit (Proverbs 13:18, 19:20, 19:27)

No matter what age, a Christian man is attractive when he has a teachable spirit. Sure this man may be smart, but he also yields to wise instruction. Pride is not his portion because he will listen to his wife even though he ultimately makes the final decision.

There’s stern as in upholding a standard, and then there’s being a stick in the mud and not wanting to listen to a new idea that’s being presented. We serve a God whose ways are higher than our ways and thoughts. A man of God is irresistible when he acknowledges that he may not know all the answers but will strive to get them and is open to change that yields spiritual benefits.

Show me any man in the world’s standards and I’m going to want to see more than his fine looks and hear his talk game. Being in relationship with a Christian man has potential for more success because long after the looks fade, the heart of the man is what will keep a woman loving him as his wife and being his friend for life.

source: BMWK