In order to stay on track, more often, we should continue to question our spouse. However, there is a certain way and specific questions we should be asking our spouse, pretty often. Here are a few:
Are you happy?
What do you need?
What is needed to make this the best marriage possible?
How can I show I love you even more?
What do you love about our marriage?
What areas need some improvement in our marriage?
How can I be a better spouse/partner to you?
What would you like more of in our marriage?
How can I support you better?
How can I relieve any of the stress or pressure you may be feeling?
Most couples don’t consider the strategy that’s needed to have effective communication. We learn something new when we listen and share. As we communicate with our spouse, we should be listening to gain insight. Every discussion provides an opportunity not only to connect, but to also really get to know the person we married. Asking the right questions, more often will eliminate most of the negative that surfaces in our relationships.