SEE The 4 Kinds Of Guys You’re Likely To Meet This Christmas


We have less than 17 days to Christmas and as expected, the towns are bubbling already – In the spirit of the season, INFORMATION NIGERIA has put together for you the five types of guys girls are likely to meet this festive season…


Temporary Single: These one just broke up with their girlfriends because they don’t want to commit to the promises they made to the girls earlier in the year to either buy them something fab or take a short vacation to somewhere nice and ezotic. Be carefull of these ones, they are likely to dump you for their ex or in Febuaury during valentine.

The Been-to’s: These ones just returned from abroad and they have a lot of foreign currencies to throw around to impress any girl they like. Open your eyes girls, he just might be married already wherever he came from so someone doesn’t just take your cookies and then dump you by January.

The Player: These kind of guys are like kids looking for a new toy for Christmas. They are ready to take you to the moon and back but be sure that the relationship will even before Santa leaves town.

The Sugar daddies: These ones have packed their family and sent them on a trip abroad and wouldn’t go with them because they have to be on ground to seal one last business deal before the end of the year. Truth is, they just want unlimited freedom to cruise town with different girls.

There you have it babes, choice wisely…