Hillary Clinton Just Clinched The Democratic Presidential Nomination

Hillary Clinton at New York
Hillary Clinton

Two term New York Senator and former Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton has made giant strides in her historic bid to become the first female President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton was always considered the favorite to win the Democratic nomination but her opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders gave her a befitting run for her money. Needing 2,383 delegates to be named presumptive nominee, Hillary took an early lead before Sanders rallied around and launched a fierce counter, at a point winning five primaries in a row.

Hillary’s victory was assured by a win at the Puerto Rico primaries as well as fresh support from even more super delegates. As it stands, she will become the first woman to become the presumptive nominee of a political party in US history and will now focus her sights on finishing strong in the primary elections remaining.

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders has not yet conceded defeat as he claimed ‘Hillary Clinton does not and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination’.