How 23 Year Old Escaped from Kidnappers Den

The Global Wonder­land Prayer Moun­tain Ministry yester­day erupted in wild jubilation and thanksgiving to God as one of their mem­bers, 23-year-old Ogochuk­wu Onyekwelum escaped from the camp of suspected kidnappers cum ritualists af­ter spending five days in the hands of her abductors.
Ogochukwu, an OND graduate of Delta State Poly­technic said that she had gone to the Nnewi branch of the First Bank Plc to do a transaction for her mother, Sis Carol Onyekwelum when she ran into the trap of the suspected kidnappers.
“After I finished the trans­action at First Bank, I stopped about three commercial mo­torcyclists but we did not agree on price. After a while, one Okada man came along and we agreed. He later told me that he would prefer to take a short cut to avoid the bad spots along Owerri Road and I obliged him.
“Along the line, a black Amada jeep with tinted glasses double-crossed the bike carrying me and four armed occupants of the vehi­cle jumped down. The Okada man naturally took to his heels but I was shocked and my abductors later forced me into their jeep, wiped my face with a white handkerchief and took me to an unknown destination where I met four other victims.
“I pleaded with them to allow me contact my people that day but they did not permit me the use of my cell phone. The following day, one of the kidnappers al­lowed me to contact my peo­ple and I quickly called my mother to intimate her of the development.
“While I was there, I con­tinued to pray ceaselessly and the kidnappers asked me to stop praying but I persisted, then on Wednesday, two among us were taken out and never returned to the camp. When our abductors came back to the camp, they started boasting of how they have wasted the two victims in cold blood. They returned to camp with three new ab­ductees.
“I became very apprehen­sive and I pleaded again that I should be allowed to contact my mother and they again allowed me and my mother reassured me that the church was praying for me and that I should not despair, so I con­tinued praying.
Ogochukwu said that the kidnappers took her out on Friday with the intention of killing her and one other victim the way they did with others noting that as they proceeded, she saw sign post with Ichi and Ojoto inscrip­tion.
“They continued the jour­ney into a thick forest and I again pleaded that they should allow me for the last time bid my mother bye, they allowed me and I told her of the intention to kill me but she urged me to keep trusting God for deliverance.
Ogochukwu said that when they got to a shrine, she thought an end had come for her and she started praying again and equally preached to her abductors to give their lives to Christ and one of the kidnappers got angry and shot into the air to scare her.
“That was the beginning of my miracle, after the shot, the kidnappers said that the bul­let hung in the air and they started quarreling on why the one that shoot had to do it. One of them came to me and asked if I am a ghost and kept mute.
“Before long, the argu­ment degenerated into a big fight and in the midst of the confusion between them, I touched my fellow victim who still sat there watching the fight and we ran for our dear lives. We ran for a long time before we got to a road and a car later came around and we begged the driver to help us and he dropped me in front of Teaching Hospital Nnewi,” she recalled.
The victim said that she got to know that the assail­ants have deployed agents in strategic positions like banks, hospitals and churches to get people kidnapped during her days in their camp.
The Head Servant of Global Wonderland Prayer Mountain Ministry, Evan­gelist (Mrs) Amara Obi revealed that when the church heard of the develop­ment, the members stood in prayers for the release of the abducted victim and God went into the camp of the abductors and our sister es­caped.
Evangelist Obi said that the good news of the escaped victim has restored hope and confidence of many who had lost hope in the ability of God to deliver and make ways for his children.
A member of the church, Engr I.K Ezuluike, who just returned from abroad said that he took the development with mixed feelings noting that he was very happy that Ogochukwu regained free­dom after five days but sad that some others got killed by the ritualists on daily ba­sis and the security opera­tives could not do anything about it.
“I decided to bring the press here today so that our security personnel after read­ing your reports would know there is need to sit up and se­cure the lives and properties of Nigerians,” he explained.

Source: BreakingTimes