Shocking!!! 18 year old boy rapes 12 year old girl

A secondary school student named Sopuruchukwu Onuoha was on Thursday arrested by the operatives of the Owerri Area Command of the Nigeria Police Force for allegedly raping a girl (names withheld) of 12 years.

It was gathered that Onuoha, 18, who hails from Ekwereazu in Ahiazu Mbaise Council Area of the State denied that he committed the act.

The victim, however, disclosed to our correspondent that she was raped by Onuoha when her parents were out for their daily business.


She said, “We live at No. 5 Rotibi street in Owerri in a two-storey building. We live on the first floor while Onuoha and his parents live on the second floor. However, my dad called me to bring mobile phone charger to him at the ground floor but little did I know that Onuoha heard it. He entered and hid himself in our own flat”.

“As I gave out the charger to my daddy and on returning back in our flat, Onuoha held me from the back, used his cloth to cover my mouth and forced his big penis into me”.

“By the time he rose from me, blood started gushing out from my private part and stained both my pant and cloth. The only thing I could succeed in doing was to give him a big bite on his hand which today stands for me as an evidence.”

Crying, the victim stated that she immediately went down with the cloth and reported to her mother, who through her husband, alerted the police.

When our correspondent visited the Area Command of the police, it was gathered from the medical report issued by the Federal Medical Centre Owerri that the victim was raped.

The Police, also, confirmed the girl bit the suspect.

Meanwhile, the operatives of the Area Command said that the matter would be referred to the Criminal Investigation Department of the command after investigation.

When contacted the state Police Public Relations, Mr. Andrew Enwerem, said that he was not yet aware of the matter.