Christian University Student jailed for sharing her Masturbation Video on Social Media.

A 23-year-old student of Uganda Christian University (UCU) has pleaded guilty before Buganda Road court, to broadcasting pornographic material.

Lilian Rukundo is said to have uploaded on the internet a video of herself, while masturbating.

The student was charged with 10 counts before being convicted on her own plea of guilty.


According to media reports, Lillian was remanded in prison where she will stay until Friday this week to give court a chance to watch videos before judgment.

Female student jailed for sharing her masturbation video on social media lailasnews

Prosecutions claims that Rukundo in 2017 while in her hostel in Mukono District produced a video of herself masturbating and shared it through social media for purposes of sexually arousing whoever watched it.

The prosecuting officer said:

“We came across the video of the accused in 2017 and our team swung into action immediately after which she was arrested and questioned. She admitted making the pornographic video and then distributing it on Facebook for the view of the public”

Female student jailed for sharing her masturbation video on social media lailasnews 2

She has been charged with 10 counts of broadcasting pornographic material. Rukundo also pleaded guilty to publishing pictures of her naked body from the breast to the knees.

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