‘My Father Wasn’t The Best Dad’ – Lazy Writa Reveals

'My Father Wasn't The Best Father' - Influencer Lazy Writa Reveals
Lazy Writa and late dad

Social media influencer, Lazywrita has taken to IG to pen a touching tribute to his father whom he says is the best influencer.

Read his full post below;

This is a photo of my father. Unlike the usual social media stories where everybody’s father is the best father in the world, mine wasn’t the best


“I can’t remember at what age we started to grow apart but one thing I know is that we were pretty close in my formative years. I vividly remember when he took me to Command Secondary School Jos for my Entrance examination. Someone asked which of your parents you loved more, I screamed ‘My Daddy’ and went on to give them a million reasons why, he was glowing. A lot changed over the years that followed, I couldn’t say a tribute yesterday at his burial because the years that went by has deeply tainted the early amazing memories we had together.

“My rock, my mom passed away on the 26th of December 2014, she was the glue that tried to hold us together, even though she was on the wrong end of it all. Like the typical African mother, she stayed for us. She was so young yet aged by his shenanigans. I didn’t forgive him for a long time, I always wished it was him instead of her. I even cried and prayed for God to take him and return her.

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“My father was a widely read and very knowledgeable man. He lectured Masters/PhD students and he was the lecturer every other lecturer ran to help solve problems

“No doubt like every other parent, he wanted the best I guess, it was just sad that he made a lot of wrong choices/decisions that didn’t let that happen. This led to fights, irreconcilable differences piled up and then resentment festered. For a long time, we’ve just been civil to each other and his passing away a couple of days ago has only widened that chasm forever.

“The good part though is that we prayed, tears flowed, we asked for forgiveness because, of this dust we all came and of it we shall all return and in as much as we make mistakes and wrong choices, it’s also on us to fix up before it’s late as your legacy depends on it.

“The summary of all this is my father has passed away and I am now an orphan. My father (Damisa Steven) wasn’t a perfect man, only God is perfect. He was a good man with flaws like us all. May his good soul rest in perfect peace! AMEN.”