South African Pastor Serves Church Members Beer, Says ‘This Is The Body Of Christ’

South Africa’s self-acclaimed Pope, Tsietsi Makiti has backed up his colleague, Prophet Sonny Rakgorwana, who was spotted in viral photos, giving his congregants beer during a Special Holy Communion Service.

Pope, Tsietsi Makiti and Prophet Sonny Rakgorwana
Pope, Tsietsi Makiti and Prophet Sonny Rakgorwana

The founder of Gabola Church, which allows alcohol and holds services at drink joints, said;

“I see no harm in the Pastor’s practice. He has my blessing. In Gabola there is Godliness. Let us all drink and praise the Lord.


“My church practises this every day. This allows people who are discriminated against by other churches to find a home while doing what they love best.

“It’s a good practice, but it must be in good spirit. People mustn’t be forced to drink. We must meet with the prophet so that we can advance this mission. In God, there’s liquor, Amstel, Amen!”.

Prophet Sonny Rakgorwana, who was seen serving congregants Savannah and Brutal Fruit ciders, said it was part of church members’ deliverance.

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In his words,

“This is the body of Christ and it has become our lifestyle,” he said as he served them beer.

“The moment you eat this the right way you become a spirited person. You’re in the spirit and the flowing part goes from one to another.”