Tamar Braxton’s Boyfriend, David Adefeso Reveals What Going To Harvard Did For Him

David Adefeso
David Adefeso

David Adefeso, the Nigerian boyfriend of American artiste Tamar Braxton has joined the debate on whether going to college is worth it.

Sharing a throwback picture from when he graduated from Harvard Business School, he wrote:

Read Also: Tamar Braxton And Boyfriend, David Adefeso Visit Oba Elegushi


”I have 2 questions I would like your help with. But first some background: I’ve heard a lot of the recent debate on whether or not college is worth the cost. Many say it is not. They say student debt is too high and prevents young graduates from buying a home, starting a business or getting married and starting a family.

They say jobs aren’t guaranteed for graduates, dropout rates are high, and many smart people like @thisisbillgates and @zuckdidn’t get degrees and still became fabulously rich and successful. Well, I can’t speak for the rest of these folks…only for myself! When I graduated from Harvard Business School in June of 1996 as a young, innocent and extremely ambitious kid, I had big loans…but even bigger dreams.

When I stepped out into the real world that sweltering but fateful June afternoon, little did I know that @harvardhbs had equipped me with certain critical success tools that would last my entire lifetime: For one I got a great job on Wall Street that enabled me to pay back my humongous loans in record time; I developed critical thinking skills from learned professors and amazing classmates that even today enables me deal with the often difficult and challenging business decisions I am confronted with daily;

I developed a close network of valuable friends among my HBS classmates, most of whom still remain my closest friends and business confidants today; and I make a heck of a lot more money now that I likely ever would if I never attended college or b-school. I can’t speak for Bill or Zuck, but heck…college made me smarter, happier and richer!

So I am curious about what y’all think: First, do you think college is worth it? And second, assuming you didn’t ever have to take out any student loans (yeap no loans or grants!!) would your answer be any different?”.